Le Chéile.” (pronounced – “leh kay-lah”).

A Gaelic phrase that has no English language equivalent, but the feeling is universal. Literally, it means “together”

BTS from Le Chéile shoot which took place 30th May 2022.

With much gratitude toward:

Joshua Snead - Photography
Thomas Oliver - Cinematographer + Video editor
Leah Coulson - Model

Summer Benjamin-Maclean -Model

Patrick Mullins - Assistant

Finula Coughlan - Jewelry designer

Ella May - Contour designer

Rossa Doherty - Track producer
Rhea Coughlan - Voiceover

Anda Stancu - Making assistant

Heta Dobrowolski - Overviewer

Click photo above to see full video.

PAGAN - Butterfly.

The sample used for Le Chéile concept film, was produced by a friend of Niamh’s from back home in Donegal, Rossa Doherty aka Pagan.